I'm going to go out on a limb (no pun executed) and say that Nebraska does not have mountains. So where do the Huskers get off including that lovely range into their seal?
After doing no research, I've concluded that they are simply trying to pull a fast one. See, everybody else is cramming their seal full of a bunch of different crap to make their state look rich and special. Nebraska just figured nobody would notice. I'm beginning to wonder if they even have steamships.
Damn. They do have mountains.
Who would have thought?!
I wish I didn't know this.
The room is spinning.
My mind, it is blown. I figured they were just sneaking in a distant view of an adjacent, more topographically endowed state. Kind like how when I go out w my friend keri anne, I cajole guys into motorboating her fake boobs and then get them to buy my drinks.
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