Fun Fact #1
Yes, I had to look up how to spell M-A-S-S-A-C-H-U-S-E-T-T-S.
Fun Fact #2
Massachusett was a Native American Indian. That's him there on the seal. Who knew? (Rhetorical. I don't care if you knew.)
Isn't it a bit rich how so many of the states/commonwealths "honor" Native Americans on their flags? Yeah guys, we're even now.
Okay, state motto: "By the Sword We Seek Peace, but Peace Only Under Liberty". Bit of an oxymoron in that first phrase. But not a bad motto, so no points lost there.
On the whole, this flag is not terrible. What is terrible is that weird, disembodied arm on top of the seal. Disconcerting, that. FlagFail.
1 comment:
That Native American is showing a lot of leg!!
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