Friday, February 13, 2009

Word o' the Week (for next week)

1. happy and carefree
2. vivacious
3. adjective describing someone who would be called "jolly" if they hadn't lost so much weight

That last definition sounds like my buddy Sean Kufel. On the surface he seems like a really happy, nice guy who loves to laugh. Everyone who meets Sean instantly likes him.

But dig a little deeper, and you'll find an ocean of venom and rage. One minute he's loving life, the next minute his beard is spewing expletives. Thank God his diatribes are mostly reserved for things like stupid commercials, stupid songs, morons, stupid people, the Boston Bruins, and people who don't stay on their heels when they squat. His rantings are always funny, and often insightful. You can read them at Pajiba, where Sean shares scathing reviews with the resident bitchy people. He also maintains a blog over at Fat Kid and the Afternoon Snacks.


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