Sunday, June 14, 2009


Emily and I were in Panera waiting for our food when this happened...

Guy walks up to the counter and stares at the display with his mouth open. He points to a bin full of bagels with a big sign that says "French Toast."

Guy: Are those french toast bagels?

Poor Cashier Girl: Yes

Guy: What do they taste like?

PCG: (confused, but very polite) Uh, french toast. And bagel.

Guy: (long pause) I'll take a blueberry bagel with cream cheese.

I was chuckling at his questions, then laughing out loud when he didn't order the french toast bagel. What was he hoping she would say? They taste like pancakes? Blueberry bagels? Seared tuna?

This also reminds me of the time I was at Blockbuster and the lady in front of me said to the cashier, "I'm looking for this movie...Will Smith is in it...he plays a black guy."

Oooh, I haven't seen that one.

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