Tuesday, November 30, 2010

42. Kentucky

The frontiersman and the businessman are supposed to represent all the people "united." It's funny that 100 years ago "unity" meant two white guys from different income levels.

What's the difference between a commonwealth and a state?
No one knows for sure. Scholars maintain that the answers to this question were lost generations ago. In other words I googled it and read for 5 minutes, but couldn't find a quick and simple answer. I wasn't really paying attention though.

I know a teacher who moved from state to commonwealth and she hates it.

Also, people who live in a commonwealth will remind you every time you slip up and call them a state. Strangely, it really gets under their skin. My advice is to offer them a high-five every time they say, "The Commonwealth of blah-blah-blah".

There are four commonwealths among the 50 US "states". How many can you name? Answers in comments.


jason said...


Lauren said...

Well you didn't give us a chance to guess. JEEZ!